
Lego’s eco dilemma: Giant leaps to sensitise its customers

by Nembrini Consulting in collaboration with Pyxis Tech

In a world where digital consumption is skyrocketing, the environmental impact of our online activities often goes unnoticed. Amidst the buzz of digital transformation, several brands stand out. Lego and its path towards digital sustainability is one such brand. 

LEGO, a name synonymous with innovation, creativity, and sustainable development, is taking giant leaps to educate its customers about the significance of sustainability in the digital realm. 

Not just a simple task:

Lego, renowned for its durable toy bricks and commitment to sustainability, aimed to innovate with its «Bottles to Bricks» initiative by integrating recycled plastic bottles into its manufacturing process. This ambition was part of the company’s broader pledge to invest $1.4 billion towards reducing carbon emissions by 2025, underscoring its dedication to environmental stewardship and the future welfare of its core demographic (children and their parents). However, the initiative encountered a significant hurdle as it became apparent that the process of converting recycled plastic bottles into durable Lego bricks would necessitate additional materials and energy, paradoxically increasing carbon emissions rather than reducing them. Consequently, Lego decided to continue with its existing materials while exploring other sustainable alternatives.

The challenge faced by Lego underscores a broader shift in the corporate world towards a more comprehensive approach to sustainability, emphasizing the importance of considering the entire supply chain’s environmental impact. The above case example illustrates the complexities of achieving sustainability in a circular economy, where the goal is not only to minimise waste, but also to ensure that we’re not merely transposing the issue elsewhere;  the entire lifecycle of a product contributes to environmental preservation. 

As companies strive to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into their operations, they must navigate the intricate balance between innovation, sustainability, and the practical limitations of current technologies.


  1. https://theconversation.com/legos-esg-dilemma-why-an-abandoned-plan-to-use-recycled-plastic-bottles-is-a-wake-up-call-for-supply-chain-sustainability-214573#:~:text=A%20staggering%2098%25%20of%20Lego’s,as%20electricity%20decreased%20by%2040%25
  2. Lego’s sustainability progress report: https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/aboutus/assets/blt767f97833484d573/LEGO_Sustainability_Progress_Report2022_FINAL.pdf


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